California Delegation Flips Green Cliches on Head
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Visit from Sunkist state environmental delegation flips green-cliches on head
CALGARY, AB, Aug. 1, 2023 /CNW/ - The association that represents more than 220 independently-owned and -operated bottle depots in Alberta, is pleased to welcome a delegation from California, here to learn more about our renowned beverage container recycling system.
"Shining a light on the success of Alberta's recycling achievements has come this week from the most unexpected of places – California, a state celebrated the world over for its environmental focus, innovation, and sustainability policies," says Jerry Roczkowsky, president of the Alberta Bottle Depot Association (ABDA).
"When California legislators come to Alberta, to see what we are doing for the environment and to advance the circular economy, that's something Albertans should proudly take notice," he said in a release today (Tuesday) ahead of the delegation's arrival tonight in Calgary.
Alberta consistently out-performs other provinces, achieving the highest redemption rates in Canada, with the lowest-cost and largest program, accepting some 150,000 different types of containers. In 2022, Albertans returned 83 per cent of all beverage containers sold in the province. This amounted to more than two-billion beverage containers and diverted nearly 88-million kilograms – the equivalent of 44,000 F-150's - from landfill.
Roczkowsky believes bottle depots are the "secret-sauce" in Alberta's success– providing the convenience of accepting and sorting containers, paying out deposit returns, and supporting community fundraising in the home communities of more than 92-per cent of the population.
"The crucial take aways are that Albertans vote for depots with their feet – visiting and redeeming more than $600,000 in deposit refunds each day – and the Government of Alberta has made sure that our depots remain viable, part of system-shaping policy decisions, and able to focus on providing Albertans with accessible, convenient recycling opportunities without costing taxpayers a dime," said Roczkowsky.
It's a message Roczkowsky hopes the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE) delegation will hear. The delegates include business, local-government, and environmental leaders, as well as elected officials and policy makers.
During the three-day visit, which includes a day in Banff, delegates will meet with Alberta policymakers and get up close and personal with the strengths and success of Alberta's beverage container management system, including a tour of the Bowridge Bottle Depot – a state-of-the-art collection facility where Albertans can receive their deposit returns and enjoy the convenience of rapid sorting technology.
Representatives including: National Stewardship Action Council, the Office of Senator Ben Allen, California Product Stewardship Council, California State Assembly Members and California State Senator Benjamin Allen, and Alberta Bottle Depot Association's Chair, Kulwant Dhillon.