Alberta Cans for Kids

What is Alberta Cans for Kids?

Alberta Cans for Kids is a fundraising initiative implemented by the Alberta Bottle Depot Association (ABDA) to raise money and awareness for important causes by doing one simple act we all do every day - recycling beverage containers.

Under Alberta Cans for Kids, you can donate beverage containers eligible for a deposit to Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC) Alberta, Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation and Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation.

We proudly announce our newest partner in our fundraising initiative, Ronald McDonald House Alberta. This organization provides support, accommodations, and much-needed medical care to children throughout Alberta.

Since its inception in 2009, the Alberta Cans for Kids program has already raised over $1,000,000 for our partners! The goal for this year's Alberta Cans for Kids campaign is $100,000; to meet this goal, each home in Alberta would need to donate just one container! If you wish to donate more, that's great too! 

How do I make a donation?

Donating is easy. Take beverage containers eligible for a deposit to your local depot. This includes soft drink cans, bottled water, beer & wine bottles, tetra-pak drink boxes, soy and juice cartons, and all "ready to serve" containers.

At the Depot, a bin will be set aside with special signage saying it’s part of the Alberta Cans for Kids program. The depot operator will recycle these containers, and the deposit money will go directly to one of our partner organizations.

Why should I donate?

Your donation does something good for the environment and, at the same time, helps kids who need specialized health services. Your investment in the Stollery Children's Hospital and Alberta Children's Hospital advances the delivery of care by providing much-needed funding for medical advances, prevention programs, specialized services, or clinical research. Since the addition of RMHC Alberta to the Alberta Cans for Kids program, your contributions provide support and a “home-away-from-home” for families with children receiving medical care.