Cosmos 2 Bottle Depot (Red Deer) - December 2017

Cosmos II Bottle Depot in Red Deer got a holiday treat in the form of Applaud a Depot recognition this week; staff and management celebrated one of their loyal customers being drawn in December’s urban Depot draw through the program.

Their customer, Karen, works with a local school and makes arrangements for the recycling efforts there. In her Applaud, she indicated that the Depot staff are “amazing, friendly, positive people,” and that they accommodate the school’s needs “with a smile on their faces!”

Cosmos II operates under the Cosmos Group of Companies umbrella, offering a variety of great services throughout Red Deer and area, including two Depots in the city and one in Blackfalds. Their efforts to provide pick-ups and other benefits for customers have not gone unnoticed! They also operate a program to allow for donations to local charities throughout the year, with drop off sites scattered throughout the city.

Charmaine Mifsud represented MLA Kim Schreiner in attending the event, and joined Depot staff in enjoying a well-deserved lunch. Congratulations to the Cosmos staff, and thanks to Karen for her kind words about the Depot!


Rocky Bottle Depot - February 2018


Capilano Bottle Depot - December 2017