Trevor Nickel Service Excellence Awards
2021 Nominees
Congratulations to all of the nominees!
Nominee Videos
Check out the short presentations for ALL nominees below!
The 2A Bottle Depot in Carstairs is always looking for ways to keep up with events in the community to assist with bottles drives and fundraising!
Service excellence means going above and beyond at the Beaumont Bottle Depot. Here's one example of a meaningful fundraiser touching the lives of Depot operators in our province.
Pride in community engagement is near and dear to the folks at Beddington Heights Bottle Depot in Calgary - hear about some of the successful fundraisers and events that they have participated in as a community partner.
Blue Heron Bottle Depot has been responsive to the needs of their community through a drop-off program, implementing Point of Return technology, and adjusting their available hours to remain open as an essential service.
Good people make for a great Depot! This Depot in Picture Butte prides itself on taking care of the staff and community.
The folks at the Calmar Bottle Depot are happy to learn from their customers and make memories while serving their community day-in, day-out!
At Capilano Bottle Depot, first impressions matter. The owners and staff are focused on listening to customer feedback and adjusting processes to ensure continual improvement.
Keeping customers safe during the pandemic was a top priority in 2020-2021 for Chinook Bottle Depot, and it shows in the measures that were put in place during this time. This Depot has made its mark with experienced operators who have seen the industry grow and change over the years.
Keeping Alberta green is a major objective for the Clareview Bottle Depot. Their efforts to educate the next generation of recyclers is making a big difference in our province!
The Cold Lake Bottle Depot is all about reaching out to their community, organizing bottle drives, and supporting our furry friends through the Humane Society. See them in action right here!
Protecting the environment for future generations is a mission at the Daysland Bottle Depot!
Delburne Bottle Depot’s new ownership has reconfigured the Depot, added technology in the form of a Point of Return system, and focused on community involvement over the past 6 months.
Creating an experience that people want to come in for is the name of the game at East Hills Bottle Depot!
Providing bottle drive services to groups in the area makes for some special memories at the Easy Saving Bottle Depot in Falun. We guarantee you'll be smiling as you listen to this story!
A facelift at this Depot over the past couple of years has made it more inviting, especially when you add friendly, warm staff to the equation! Fairview Bottle Depot is an important piece of the Depot network all the way up in Northern Alberta.
Fort Road Bottle Depot's commitment to local charities like the Mustard Seed and the Food Bank is making a huge difference in the community; one of the many ways that they demonstrate their dedication to service!
This Depot was new to Grande Cache in 2020, after over one year without a Depot servicing the town and surrounding area. Now, its operators offer a top-notch facility and new features like a drop & go feature to go a step above and beyond!
Happy Can Bottle Depot in Calgary understands that some of their customers rely on the Depot providing refunds to support day-to-day activities. It's important to the staff there to remain a safe, reliable destination for your empties!
These new operators at the Hardisty Bottle Depot are an excellent example of the strong work ethic that Depot workers exemplify - take a look at their story so far.
Service with a smile, patience, and respect are all in high supply at the High Prairie Bottle Depot!
Hometown Bottle & Recycling Depot was a new addition to north Airdrie in 2020. This Depot has some unique features such as their Complimentary Corner, a display of their technology, and a drive-through drop-off option for large loads and bottle drives.
The new owners at Innisfail Bottle Depot have done a complete overhaul in just a few short months; between the changes to the physical layout and customer capacity all the way through to the programs and services that they provide, it's like a brand new facility!
The new operators at the Innisfree Bottle Depot have quickly made an impression on the town and its residents! An overhaul of the interior of the Depot, the addition of a second service station, and other improvements have been greatly appreciated by the Depot's customers!
The owners of the Joussard Bottle Depot are committed to serving this small community in Northern Alberta. You can't help but feel happier after visiting this Depot!
A new owner arrived at Killam Bottle Depot earlier this year, and has found ways to make beverage container recycling more convenient for the residents in town by offering drop-off services.
As part of the SASH group of companies, the Magrath Bottle Depot has a powerful impact on this community in southern Alberta.
Manchester Bottle Depot thrives on mutual appreciation between the Depot and its customers; operators at this location have been serving central Calgary for over a decade!
Manning Bottle Depot in Edmonton opened in the summer of 2020, using an innovative, fully automated system and unique layout.
The owners and staff at the Mayerthorpe Bottle Depot know that a successful business is built on the community working together and understanding each other's needs.
The New Norway Bottle Depot has participated in major events to employee youth in the community; hear more about how seeing local kids grow up has impacted the Depot's operator!
Whether you live in the community or are visiting from out of town, the Okotoks Bottle Depot is open and inviting to all. They have made their mark through meaningful initiatives close to home, and offer tours to visitors from afar!
The staff at Olds Bottle Depot have had many memorable experiences of making customers feel welcome, especially the young up-and-coming recyclers!
The Onoway Bottle Depot staff take pride in the cleanliness of the Depot and the improvements they've made in the past 2 years, including re-painting the Depot, adding a camera system, and more!
After nearly 30 years of operating in Devon, the operators at the Pick Me Bottle Depot know that customer service starts with a great attitude.
Community engagement is top of mind at REDI, and the fundraising efforts of the Depot have had a significant impact, including in the lives of Depot staff.
At the Sage Hill Bottle Depot, you'll be greeted by a valet and impressed with the new eye-catching art gallery that takes you on a journey of the beauty of recycling!
Sexsmith Bottle Depot has completely renovated their customer service area, with new efficient counting equipment, brand new tables, and more space for customers to unload their containers.
Check out how physical improvements over the last couple of years have led to increased efficiency at the Sherwood Park Bottle Depot!
This family-owned business in Slave Lake is committed to supporting groups in the community and providing a fast & efficient recycling option for their customers!
The Springbank Bottle Depot is a great example of the evolution of a business. Since opening in 2017, they have undergone constant adjustments, improving their ability to understand the needs of their customers and adapt to a quickly changing industry.
At the Strathcona Bottle Depot in the heart of Edmonton, there is an emphasis on educating customers and understanding their stories!
Family-owned and operated since it opened in south-east Edmonton, Summerside Bottle Depot has continually been a leader in innovation and service.
Taber Container Depot's commitment to their community is evident in their ability to adapt their services, the generosity of their staff, and their dedication to exceeding expectations of customers and industry stakeholders.
A new addition to Edmonton at the end of 2019, The Green Bottle Depot Harvest Hills has quickly made its mark in the city!
This state-of-the-art facility in southwest Edmonton has wowed customers since it opened. Learn about all the different services that they offer!
Effective measures to increase customer confidence and transparency, such as counting out loud while processing containers, has become a standard practice at the Thorsby Bottle Depot.
"We never say no, we always try to help."
Finding more convenient ways to get refunds into the hands of customers has been a hallmark of the operators at the Two Hills Bottle Depot.
Universal Bottle Depot in Camrose is committed to supporting local! The Depot has been in a new home for the past 3 years, and owner Grace Torpe has been at the Depot for an incredible 35 years.
"Leaving the world a better place because of the job that we do" - and in so many ways! Thanks to Uptown Depot Ltd. for their ongoing service efforts in Calgary.
As the only not-for-profit Depot operation in Calgary, the Vecova Bottle Depot is part of a larger organization focused on developing the abilities of individuals in the community.
Taking care of employees equates to taking care of customers here at West Edmonton Bottle Depot. They’ve watched families grow in their community, and continue to innovate to improve their service.
Getting to know the customers in Claresholm is a priority for the operators at the Willow Creek Bottle Depot; hear more about their customer service priorities here!
The addition of a drive-up window, new service offerings, and a commitment to keeping the community top-of-mind have all contributed to Winterburn Bottle Depot being nominated this year!
In January 2017, the Alberta Bottle Depot Association experienced a massive loss with the passing of ABDA President, Trevor Nickel. In Trevor's tenure leading the ABDA, he brought a spirit of improvement to everything he did. In memory of that commitment to raising the bar, the ABDA Service Excellence Awards have been renamed to the Trevor Nickel Service Excellence Awards in his honor. We cannot wait to hear how Depots are continuing to improve and advance the industry over the upcoming year.